First, we will work with you to gather all of the information we need to conduct our review. This includes a review of the employer’s controlled group and/or affiliated service group status, which can have a critical impact on plan design. We will review any other plans your organization currently sponsors or has sponsored in the past in order to coordinate benefits and assure the plans remain in compliance with all required rules.


In this stage, we begin constructing a plan tailored to meet the needs of the owners, employees, and the business itself. Preferred Pension Planning Corporation takes the time to configure a customized plan to make sure that contributions are allocated and benefits are delivered to participants in a way that best meets the company’s objectives. We also help you design provisions that are best suited for your plan concerning eligibility, vesting, distributions, and numerous other issues that should be considered. If we are in the situation where we are revising a plan that has already been put into place, we will take this time to suggest the necessary changes to meet your business goals.


Have a compliance issue with you current plan? No problem! For clients that begin working with us who have compliance violations, we create corrections packages that can be sent to the IRS Voluntary Compliance Program (plan document or operational corrections) and the Department of Labor Delinquent Filer Program (Form 5500 corrections).



Once we have all correction documentation and have a complete strategic plan in place, Preferred Pension Planning Corporation will take the steps to catapult your plan into action. All the necessary action will take place, including prepping documents required by the IRS, creating a Summary Plan Description to be distributed to plan participants, organizing all required enrollment and administrative materials and more.


Preferred Pension Planning Corporation is all about providing our clients with a great experience. We strive to ensure our clients are comfortable and satisfied when making important decisions in regards to their financial futures. At PPPC, we will stop at nothing to give you our unwavering support and our most innovative solutions.